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Gooby Pet x Purebble Pet

Gooby Pet x Purebble Pet

As dog owners ourselves, we focus heavily on what is good for dogs and how we can keep them comfortable!

Purebble products do not include any artificial fragrances because dogs have very sensitive noses - up to 4000 times more sensitive than that of a human nose. While we may want to smell like patchouli and rose with notes of musk, our dogs likely wish nothing more than to be rid of that smell. Enter: Dog rolling around in the muddy grass. We keep our formulation free from the scents that can irritate them.

Additionally, when we’re walking our dogs (or let’s be honest, when they walk us), we want to make sure they're as comfortable as possible with all the potential pulling and tugging that might occur. The Purebble Team can attest to the comfortable and secure fit of Gooby harnesses. Jane, our precious Yorkshire Terrier, would only walk in a Gooby harness; with any other harness, she refused to budge an inch. Oreo, one of our senior dogs, would get skin rashes with all the harnesses he tried until Gooby. Now, the plush Gooby harness combined with the gentle Purebble shampoo keeps his skin inflammation under control. 

We can’t say we’ve tried it all, but we have definitely tried a lot. We love Gooby and recommend giving them a try!

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